joi, 6 noiembrie 2008

Subliminal advertising in News, Cartoons, Ads, Games, TV Shows

1 of 3 Interpreting Media (NLP) Neuro-inguistic Programming

Ever been watching a movie and suddenly get the munchies? Or sitting on your sofa watching TV and suddenly get the irresistible urge to buy a new car? If so, you may be the victim of a subliminal advertising conspiracy! Proponents include Wilson Bryan Key (author of "Subliminal Seduction") and Vance Packard (author of "The Hidden Persuaders"), both of whom claimed that subliminal (subconscious) messages in advertising were rampant and damaging. Though the books caused a public outcry and led to FCC hearings, much of both books have since been discredited, and several key "studies" of the effects of subliminal advertising were revealed to have been faked. In the 1980s, concern over subliminal messages spread to bands such as Styx and Judas Priest, with the latter band even being sued in 1990 for allegedly causing a teen's suicide with subliminal messages (the case was dismissed). Subliminal mental processing does exist, and can be tested. But just because a person perceives something (a message or advertisement, for example) subconsciously means very little by itself. There is no inherent benefit of subliminal advertising over regular advertising, any more than there would be in seeing a flash of a commercial instead of the full twenty seconds. Getting a person to see something for a split-second is easy; filmmakers do it all the time (watch the last few frames in Hitchcock's classic "Psycho"). Getting a person to buy or do something based on that split-second is another matter entirely. (The conspiracy was parodied in the 1980s television show Max Headroom, in which viewers were exploding after seeing subliminal messages called "blipverts.")

"Inside Edition" Subliminal McDonalds Ad Busted

Subliminal Hidden Message in KFC Snacker Commercial

Disney Aladdin subliminal message

Hiding In My Fox 5 News Logo

miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008

First 10 Conspiracies

Here is the list and the direct links to all TOP 10 Conspiracies so you can access them faster also you can consider this a review.

1st Place and number one in world top conspiracies
The attack was not caused by taliban terrorist or other groups but was an inside job and the US goverment planed all this so they can take all kind of freedoms from the US citizens also to start a war "against terrorism" world wide.

Click here for Full Info 9.11 Conspiracy

2nd Place and top UFO related conspiracy
Was it really a weather balloon that crashed there or was an UFO with full crew and technology beyond the understandig of those days. More facts come to light and in our attention so check out the article.

Click here for Full Info UFO CRASH at ROSWELL

3rd Place and the greatest murder of US.
John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
After all this time and all the facts only few have doubts that this was not a CIA plot. The reasons are obvious for those that have done their own research.

Click here for Full Info JFK Assassination

4th Place and the greatest environment hoax
Global Warming is a Fraud
Many different opinions on this subject that is still "HOT". Why would this be an international scam? Many reasons but more important you should check out all this info that we are bombarded with every day.

Click here for Full Info Global Warming

5th Place and UK's largest plot
Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed were Murdered by the Royal Family
Check out the videos with Dodi's father, i find him to be convincing and sane not like all conspiracy theorists. This was a sad event and to be honest it's a shame that this happened.
RIP Diana&Dodi

Click here for Full Info Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed Assassination

6th Place and largest Political Conspiracy
Jewish World Domination
The zionist are in control of the US Presidency, Federal Goverment, Other Goverments around the Globe and most of the largest corporations. My friend said "I don't believe in conspiracies when it comes to this people". Harsh topic

Click here for Full Info Sion Conspiracy

7th Place and the biggest one small foot scam for some
Apollo Moon Landing Hoax
New evidence come into play this days but don't expect that NASA will ever recognize that they tricked the hole world into believing this for there own reasons. Were we really fulled or not. I guess we did.

Click here for Full Info Apollo Moon Landing Faked?

8th Place and the WWII US Government secrets.
Pearl Harbor Was Allowed to Happen
Did they really knew and just didn't care about all the man that they were about to die so they can play their cards how they wanted or is this just an evil rumor. Wars are sad and sadder is that we have to fight them not those idiots that call themselves leaders of the world.

Click here for Full Info Pearl Harbor beyond reasons

9th Place, Vatican's secrets are endless
The Third Secret of Fatima
They say that what have been release to the public is fake but those holy man wouldn't do this wouldn't they. Oh all they want is your money your blind faith and your souls. What they give in return is salvation if you pay by cash, check or credit card.

Click here for Full Info Fatima's 3rd secret

10th Place the UNKNOWN
The Philadelphia Experiment
What happened there or if it really happened i got no clue but this is creepy and got the attention of the entire world for so long that it's part of history. If you are in mysterious technological experiments then this is what are you looking for. The cream.

Click here for Full Info The Philadelphia Experiment

joi, 30 octombrie 2008

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 10

The Philadelphia Experiment

This man claims that he was involved in the experiement so get curious about what he has to say but my advice don't believe everything you see or hear.
Al Bielek - The Philadelphia Experiment Montauk Project

Official documentary on History Channel pretty interesting to watch

The Philadelphia Experiment was an alleged naval military experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around the date of October 28, 1943, in which the U.S. destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible to human observers for a brief period of time. It is also referred to as Project Rainbow. The story is widely regarded as a hoax. The U.S. Navy has stated that the experiment never occurred, and furthermore, details of the story contradict stated facts about the Eldridge. It has nonetheless caused a significant ripple effect in many conspiracy theory circles, and elements of the Philadelphia Experiment are featured in many other government conspiracy theories.

According to some accounts, the experiment was conducted by a Dr. Franklin Reno (or Rinehart) as a military application of a Unified Field Theory. The theory, briefly, postulates the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity. Through a special application of the theory, it was thought possible, with specialized equipment and sufficient energy, to bend light around an object in such a way as to render it essentially invisible to observers. The Navy considered this application of the theory to be of obvious military value (especially as the United States was engaged in World War II at the time) and both approved and sponsored the experiment. A navy destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, was fitted with the required equipment at the naval yards in Philadelphia.

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 9

The Third Secret of Fatima

Not my favorite topic, Vatican is like a black hole to some extent, many things go in only what they want come out but i guess you know this, it's for your own good, lol. This video it's part of a large debate on radio so if you wanna watch it be my guest, it's pretty interesting and it may worth your time.

Third Secret of Fatima Part 1

The Three Secrets of Fatima are said to be three prophecies that were given by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three young Portuguese shepherds, Lucia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto. From May to October, 1917, the three children claimed to have witnessed this Marian apparition, which is today popularly described as Our Lady of Fatima. On July 13 the Virgin Mary is said to have entrusted the three secrets - in the form of prophecies - to the young visionaries. Two of the secrets were revealed in 1941 in a document written by Lucia to assist with the canonization of her cousins, while the third was to remain secret, although the bishop of Leiria commanded Lucia to put it in writing and to present it to the Pope.

A Catholic priest who has apparently seen the original text of the “third secret” of Fatima disputes the official interpretation of the secret released by the Vatican. Furthermore, he has asked key people in the Vatican about the text and has gotten no response. While the Priest’s comments are somewhat radical, they are not without merit, as he has seen the secret with his own eyes. Moreover, while the first 2 secrets are fairly obvious and clear, leading some to wonder why the third one is required to be examined by a team of experts because of its complexity.

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 8

Pearl Harbor Was Allowed to Happen

An official documentary on history channel pretty cool done, both sides talking, defending and accusing an unfortunate event where real people had to die's up to you to decide.

This theory states that President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed to attack Hitler so he can declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.

Theorists believe that the US was warned by, at least, the governments of Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union that a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. All important Japanese codes were broken. FDR and Marshall and others knew the attack was coming, allowed it and covered up their knowledge.

Old footage/film on the attack on Pearl Harbor

miercuri, 29 octombrie 2008

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 7

Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

This is "fake" but really funny

This is something "new" that wants to prove what they want to prove but in the end if you really wanna know what really happened there do your own research, all you need is out there.

Leaked Moon Landing Footage

Apollo Moon Landing hoax accusations are claims that some or all elements of the Apollo Moon landings were faked by NASA and possibly members of other involved organizations. Some groups and individuals have advanced alternate historical narratives which tend, to varying degrees, to state that the Apollo Astronauts did not land on the moon, and that NASA created and continues to perpetuate this hoax.

Moon hoax proponents devote a substantial portion of their efforts to examining NASA photos. They point to various issues with photographs and films purportedly taken on the Moon. Experts in photography (even those unrelated to NASA) respond that the anomalies, while sometimes counterintuitive, are in fact precisely what one would expect from a real Moon landing, and contrary to what would occur with manipulated or studio imagery. Hoax proponents also state that whistleblowers may have deliberately manipulated the NASA photos in hope of exposing NASA.

This is a debate on mainstream media in their own style: "You are crazy to believe something else from what we tell you...ok?... hey we are the good guys don't you know"

MSNBC Debates Moon Landing Hoax

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 6

Jewish World Domination

This will show you how sensitive this subject is...Alex talks on many topics but this is one issue that avoids...

Alex Jones off the air

But there are other that talk about this and it's really interesting what they are saying

Zionism and AIPAC a danger to everyone on earth

This theory, in recent history, extends mainly from the booklet The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which are widely considered to be the beginning of contemporary conspiracy theory literature. The Protocols are considered by some to be an anti-Jewish literary forgery that purports to describe a Jewish plot to achieve world domination. Numerous independent investigations have repeatedly proven it to be a plagiarism and a hoax, yet numerous independent investigations have shown it to be a factual document.

The text was popularized by those opposed to Russian revolutionary movement, and was disseminated further after the revolution of 1905, becoming known worldwide after the 1917 October Revolution. It was widely circulated in the West in 1920 and thereafter. The Great Depression and the rise of Nazism were important developments in the history of the Protocols.

David Duke interview Wolf Blitzer. This is what they do to you when you wanna talk about the reality not "reality tv". But Duke knows how to handle him really good.

The zionists supported financially both side of World War 2
Also the nazi were financed by the bush family...yeah check this out.

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 5

Princess Diana was Murdered by the Royal Family

David Icke talks about the murder of princes Diana in the video below
Princess Diana`s Ritual Murder

Princess Diana Death - Al Fayed accuses Royals
The father of Diana's ex fiancee, Dodi Al Fayed

In 1997, Princess Diana (Princess of Wales) and Dodi Fayed (son of Mohamed Fayed, owner of the Ritz Hotel and Harrods) were killed in a car accident while trying to get away from press photographers in Paris. The scandal surrounding their relationship (Dodi was Muslim whilst Diana was the mother of the future head of the Church of England) has led many people to speculate that they were actually killed in order to prevent further scandal to the throne of England.

Polls suggest that around a quarter of the UK public, and a majority of people in some Arab countries, believe that there was a plot to murder Diana, Princess of Wales. Motivations which have been advanced for such a conspiracy include suggestions that Diana intended to marry Dodi Fayed, that she intended to convert to Islam, that she was pregnant, and that she was to visit the holy land. Organizations which conspiracy theorists suggest are responsible for her death have included French Intelligence, the British Royal Family, the press, the British Intelligence services MI5 or MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the Freemasons, or the IRA.

This is the official news on TV (propaganda machine)
Princess Diana's car crash, BBC rolling news footage

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 4

Global Warming is a Fraud

If you think this global warming is a new topic of our days then think again..this is as old as you are or maybe even older cause here is something that you didn't know

Global Warming Hoax, Planned in 1961

Ok ok if you know about the video above and the facts presented this could a little disturbing but it's for real, the planet is for real.

Nibiru and Global Warming

The suggestion of a conspiracy to promote the theory of global warming was put forward in a 1990 documentary The Greenhouse Conspiracy broadcast by Channel Four in the United Kingdom on 12 August 1990, as part of the Equinox series, which asserted that scientists critical of global warming theory were denied funding.

William Gray, phD (a pioneer in the science of hurricane forecasting) has made a list of 15 reasons for the global warming hysteria. The list includes the need to come up with an enemy after the end of the Cold War, and the desire among scientists, government leaders and environmentalists to find a political cause that would enable them to ‘organize, propagandize, force conformity and exercise political influence. Big world government could best lead (and control) us to a better world!’ In this article, Gray also cites the ascendancy of Al Gore to the vice presidency as the start of his problems with federal funding. According to him, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stopped giving him research grants, and so did NASA.

The Great Global Warming Swindle.
A lot of guys talking about the topic this is a wanna watch documentary

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 3

John F. Kennedy’s Assasination

You may wanna check out wikipedia for the many theories, books about the events and so on.
Kennedy assassination theories

This is the video that shows how he was murdered

Ok, there are many theories but you may wanna check out this video
JFK Conspiracy? PROOF finally revealed!

The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, took place on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, USA at 12:30 p.m. CST (18:30 UTC). Kennedy was fatally wounded by gunshots while riding with his wife Jacqueline in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. The official investigation by the Warren Commission was conducted over a ten-month period, and its report was published in September 1964. The Commission concluded that the assassination was carried out solely by Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza.

A number of conspiracy theories exist with regard to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Such theories began to be generated soon after his death, and continue to be proposed today. Many of these theories propose a criminal conspiracy involving parties such as the Federal Reserve, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the KGB, the Mafia, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director J. Edgar Hoover, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Fidel Castro, George H. W. Bush, Cuban exile groups opposed to the Castro government and the military and/or government interests of the United States.

Why was he killed? That's an easy answer...he knew to much.
Knew about them among many other things

John F Kennedy speech on secret societies

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 2

UFO Recovered at Roswell

I bet you wouldn't expect this

The mainstream media kicks out now after so much time about an incident that was over half a century. I wonder why really cause since then i bet there were many similar events...anyway

Ronald Reagan about invading aliens

The Roswell UFO Incident involved the recovery of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, in July 1947, which have since become the subject of intense speculation, rumor, questioning and research. There are widely divergent views on what actually happened, and passionate debate about what evidence can be believed. The United States military maintains that what was recovered was a top-secret research balloon that had crashed.

By the early 1990s, UFO researchers such as Friedman, William Moore, Karl Pflock, and the team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt had interviewed several hundred people [11] who had, or claimed to have had, a connection with the events at Roswell in 1947. Additionally, hundreds of documents were obtained via Freedom of Information Act requests, as were some apparently leaked by insiders, such as the disputed “Majestic 12″ documents. Their conclusions were that at least one alien craft had crashed in the Roswell vicinity, that aliens, some possibly still alive, were recovered, and that a massive cover-up of any knowledge of the incident was put in place.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter saw UFOs

Top 10 Modern Conspiracy Theories! Part. 1

This is a top 10 on modern conspiracy theories that had or have to be proven. Also for extended reaserch you may wanna check the following websites.

Jordan Maxwell
David Icke
Alex Jones

Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer
Officcial Website
One of the most controversial and provocative films of the year, Fahrenheit 9/11 is Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore's searing examination of the Bush administration's actions in the wake of the tragic events of 9/11.

1. 9/11 was Planned by the US Government

You may wanna check this

Many conspiracy theories have been presented concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks, many of them claiming that President George W. Bush and/or individuals in his administration knew about the attacks beforehand and purposefully allowed them to occur because the attacks would generate public support for militarization, expansion of the police state, and other intrusive foreign and domestic policies by which they would benefit.

Proponents point to the Project for the New American Century, a conservative think tank that argues for increased American global leadership, whose former members include ex-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney and several other key Bush administration figures. An 1990 report from the group stated that “some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor” would be needed to budge public opinion in their favor.

Well it looks strange and any good hearted man may refuse that someone would be able to do this especially the US government but they did this before not once not twice...check out this video anyway.

9/11 WTC SIMPSON The web of Deceit Was Woven